Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Screenwriter: Trading Places (1983) Deconstructed

From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters at

The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.

The Hero's Journey:

Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.

Interpreted metaphorically, laterally and symbolically, allows an infinite number of varied stories to be created.

The Hero's Journey is also a study of repeating patterns in successful stories and screenplays. It is compelling that screenwriters have a higher probability of producing quality work when they mirror the recurring patterns found in successful screenplays.

Screenwriter: Trading Places (1983) deconstructed

A good example of integrating two heroes in your story...

FADE IN: context; the city; visuals show the contrast between the working class and the well off.

Hero 1 and Mentor in their Ordinary World: Winthorpe and Coleman at home; Winthorpe at work.pork bellies.

Meeting the Antagonists and their motivations: Meeting the Dukes; debating Nature versus Nurture.

Hero 2 in his Ordinary World: Valentine begs from the Dukes.

Developing the Antagonists: the crop report; Randolph doesnt think that the scientist should have won the Nobel prize; mother always said Mortimer was greedy.

Antagonists nature: Ezra gets $5 for Christmas.

Meeting the Shape Shifters: dinner with suspect friends and Penelope.

Foreshadow of the Final Conflict: $50k to Clarence Beeks.

Foreshadow of the Call to Adventure: the Dukes talk about Winthorpe.

Developing Hero 2: Valentine pretending to be blind and crippledwhat unit were you in?

Developing the Antagonists and the Heroes: Valentine takes the briefcase; Winthorpe gets Valentine arrested.

Call to Adventure: the Dukes make a wager.

First Threshold (Hero 1) and Meeting Allies: Winthorpe at dinner with Penelope (Shape Shifter) and Coleman (Mentor).

Mentor agrees to the Journey: Coleman agrees to the Dukes request.

Foreshadow of the Physical Separation: Coleman will not be needed anymore.

First Threshold (Hero 2) and Meeting Allies: Valentine in Jail; "what, you ignorant"

Physical Separation: The Dukes bail Valentine.

Journey to the World of the Transformation on the Magic Carpet: The Dukes explain the deal in their car.

Meeting the Mentor: Valentine meets Coleman.

Hero 2 is a fish out of water in the World of the Transformation: Valentine in his new home "everything in here is mine, right?"

Hero 2s true nature: dropping the vase, Im sorry about that

Physical Separation (Hero 1): Beeks plants the notes on Winthorpe; being shamed in the Heritage Club.

Hero 1 is a fish out of water in the World of the Transformation: being stripped of the Old Self. (Winthorpe stripped on entrance to the prison).

Hero 2 (Transformation 1): Valentine in the bar; showing the big boys his Limo outside; you gotta lotta guts showing your face in here Accompanied by the Mentor: Coleman is waiting outside.

Hero 2 (Transformation 2): Valentine throwing everyone out of his house. Accompanied by the Mentor: Coleman being the butler.

Meeting Hero 1s Mentor: Meeting Ophelia.

Shape Shifter character developed: Penelope waiting for Winthorpe.

Shape Shifter switches: Penelope leaves Winthorpe.

Hero 1 (Transformation 1): Coleman doesnt let Winthorpe in the house. Accompanied by the Mentor: Ophelia watches.

Hero 1 (Transformation 2): Winthorpe gets thrown out of the bank. Accompanied by the Mentor: Ophelia watches.

Resistance to Trial 3 (Hero 1): Ophelia (the Mentor) almost leaves Winthorpe.

Foreshadow of the Final Conflict: Valentine and Winthorpe see each other through the car windows.

Resistance to Trial 3 (Hero 2): Valentine doesnt know what they want from him; Coleman tells Valentine to stay true to himself.

Trial 3 (Hero 2): Valentine enters the Dukes building and is taught about commodities.

Trial 3 (Hero 1): Learning Ophelia is a prostitute.

Seizing the Sword (Hero 2): Valentine makes the Dukes money playing the pork belly market; Valentine returns the money he finds on the floor (becomes trustworthy).

Seizing the Sword (Hero 1): Winthorpe learns the true nature of his friends; buying the gun; learning that money aint easy to come by; of his previously privileged existence.

Near Death Experience (Hero 2): Winthorpe offends at dinner

Near Death Experience (Hero 1): Winthorpe in bed with the flu.

Developing the Mentor: Ophelia turns down a customer.

Reward (Hero 2): the blonde hits on Valentine over dinner.

Reward (Hero 1): Ophelia gets into bed with Winthorpe.

Foreshadow of the Atonement (Hero 1): Winthorpe sees Valentines picture in the paper.

Complete Transformation (Hero 2): Valentine working late at Christmas.

Foreshadow of the Atonement (Hero 2) Valentine notices the cheque for Mr Beeks; wonders what wager they're discussing.

Complete Transformation (Hero 1): Winthorpe becomes a criminal; plants drugs in Valentines office; holds a gun up to security.

Complete Transformation (Hero 2): Valentine thinks Winthorpe should be put in jail.

Complete Transformation (Hero 1): Winthorpe drunk; a bum; eating fish I the bus.

Atonement with the Father (Hero 2): Valentine learns about the wager in the bathroom; that Valentine will be switched back.

Resisting the Atonement with the Father (Hero 1): Winthorpe walks away from Valentine; tries to kill himself.

Atonement with the Father (Hero 1): Winthorpe tries to kill Valentine.

Apotheosis: Valentine tells Winthorpe that the Dukes made a bet; wager was for $1.

Ultimate Boon: (Synergy): Back in the house; Valentine, Winthorpe, Ophelia and Coleman acting as a unit.

Refusal of the Return: Valentine tells Winthorpe he cant just shoot the Dukes.

Rescue from Without: Mr Beeks on TV.

Magic Flight: the characters on the train; dressing up on the train; tackling Beeks and swapping the briefcases.

Crossing the Return Threshold: Valentine and Winthorpe give the Dukes the false crop report; dressing up as Beeks.

Journey to the Final Conflict: Coleman and Ophelia give up their life savings.

Master of the Two Worlds / Final Conflict: Valentine and Winthorpe are masters of the Stock Exchange; the Dukes have to sell their seats on the exchange.

Freedom to Live: Coleman chooses both the lobster and the crab on the island.

Learn more

The Complete 188 stage Heros Journey and FREE 18 stage sample and other story structure templates can be found at

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Kal Bishop, MBA


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Kal Bishop is a management consultant based in London, UK. His specialities include Knowledge Management and Creativity and Innovation Management. He has consulted in the visual media and software industries and for clients such as Toshiba and Transport for London. He has led Improv, creativity and innovation workshops, exhibited artwork in San Francisco, Los Angeles and London and written a number of screenplays. He is a passionate traveller. He can be reached at