Monday, October 1, 2007

Vimax Penis Enlargement Pill Explored

A recent study conducted has shown that 85% of men polled wish that their penises were larger. Of that 85%, the research concluded, 99.9% of the men could actually increase the length and girth of their penises by taking herbal supplements. The numbers dont lie, and if you are part of the 85% of men that wish that could do something about their penis size, keep reading. Vimax is also backed by an Independent Consumer Health Report.

There are many different penis enlargement products out on the market today, but the one that has consistently won the hearts of men and women everywhere is Vimax. Vimax penis enlargement patches and pills are proven to be safe and effective in numerous customer trials. This system doesn't require expensive surgeries or painful pumps or procedures. In fact, you can stop taking Vimax at any time, and you will not lose any of the length or girth that you gained during your time on Vimax.

Unlike other penis enlargement pills or patches, Vimax penis enlargement was created by a team of doctors, whose sole job was to find a safe alternative to enlargement surgery and devices. What's even more impressive is that the Vimax system actually works in two ways. It not only increases the size of your penis, but also increases your sex drive! Because, what good is one without the other? After a few doses of Vimax, you will start to notice more intense orgasms and prolonged sexual stamina. Many men have even seen an improvement in premature ejaculation problems and even erectile dysfunction issues.

The true test of Vimax penis enlargement pills is the physical change that you will notice after a few weeks of using the system. You can expect to see up to 3-4 inches extra in length, and 20-25% increase in the girth of your penis. The changes will even happen while your penis is flaccid, which is much more than other penis enlargement pills can say.

The trick to getting the most out of your Vimax experience is to remember to take your pills each and every day. The more consistent you are, the better your results will be. It is also important to note that Vimax isn't available in stores, so you must always keep extra in stock to continue with the dosing instructions. It is suggested that you buy two bottles the first time around, so that you always have a spare bottle in the medicine cabinet.

Vimax is 100% natural, and made up of herbal ingredients. As with any medication or supplement, you should check with your health care provider to see if the medication is right for you. People with certain health ailments, such as high blood pressure or heart disease problems should be especially careful before taking any supplements by checking first with their doctor to see if there is any unfavorable interaction.

However, if you are part of the 85% of men that wishes there was a way to improve what nature has given you, there is a solution for you. Vimax penis enlargement pills and patches can give you a whole new outlook on life, and help you and your partner connect in ways that you have only imagined. There is nothing to lose and only inches to gain, so why wait another day.

Don't wait another minute to see if Vimax is right for you! Save $124.00 today by visiting

House Flipping - 5 Tips Every Investor Should Know Before It's Too Late

Here are some tips on how to flip real estate the right way and pitfalls to watch out for.

Flipping takes time. Most people allot as much time and input as possible to ensure their dreams are realized, when choosing to attempt to do house flipping.

Alternatively, they naively believe that the real estate business is just merely a hobby or something that takes very little time to do.However, these are completely unrealistic perceptions.

It is imperative to buy a deep, twenty-five percent or above discount because such discounted properties supply is small, and the time investment and need to work exceptionally hard are high.

When investing using the "Buy and Flip" approach, most beginner investors anticipate a minimal time for property hunting. Contrary to the television show portrayals that show abundant "fix-em up" properties and investor time spent doing property repairs and sales preparations, the reality is quite the opposite.

To make a profit with an investment, a lengthy property search is essential to get the best deep discount. Once achieved, you can make the needed repairs and get the property back on the market.

Costs can get out of control. Theres a reason why large discounted properties are discounted. This is mainly because extensive repairs are needed before making a profitable sale, and many misinformed beginner investors envision the fruition of major changes as seen on television.

They fail to see their primary goal as creating a comparable property to others nearby, trying to make theirs even better. Needed repairs are different to property remodeling. When calculating property improvement and repair costs, always do this in regards to upgrading to the equivalent of the areas other properties.

Most flipped houses seen on television have undergone exterior, kitchen and other additional changes. Made for TV investors are not investing large monetary amounts in "real life" changes. Such extra improvement and repair costs eat away at profits.

Putting in a swimming pool to increase the property value is unnecessary compared to fixing a leaking roof or broken window. Ask yourself: what improvement or repair will create a profitable property sale?

The house flipping business is stressful. Profits disappear each day that the property remains on the market because profits are calculated post-sale. Selling a property quickly can give you a headache.

The three common stressors include:
1. Using a real estate agent to help find more interested property buyers reduces overall profits.
2. Holding costs (mortgage payments, advertising costs, utilities, etc.) rise each day the property remains unsold, further reducing profits.
3. Choosing the appropriate time to lower the asking amount or use a real estate agent to market the property some profits will be lost to the agents commission.

Beginner flippers can find this stress overwhelming, but by knowing the expectations of real estate success, they can plan ahead.

Some properties are difficult to sell. Sometimes a discounted property needs more complex repairs or has repairs that are not fixable. Factors such as a bad neighborhood, proximity to a busy road, or being on a steep slope can result in finding a discounted property, but make the property sale harder.

Avoid properties that are hard to sell. "You need to make sure that you understand the issues and get enough of a discount when you buy, so that you can address the problems and still profit when you sell. If that just isn't the case, it may be in your best interests to move on to the next property."

Unexpected costs destroy profits. To avoid unnecessary property purchase surprises, hire an inspector during the contract finalization process. The inspection will outline both known and unknown problems, helping you to prepare for repair costs and hire needed workers to do the jobs, but more importantly, the opportunity arises for further negotiations to possibly secure more discounts to deal with these additional costs.

However, when these problems are put to a seller, they may not agree to fixing them, giving a better property discount, or giving you additional compensation. Under these circumstances, if there is no maneuverability within your top purchase price (most you can pay to make a profit) for these costs, you may need to abandon the property purchase.

Its okay if you still want to try house flipping. Just understand what is expected and how to: calculate an investor discount (minimum); recognize a good property; locate them; determine the top purchase prices; make proper offers; and be a master negotiator.

No television program can portray these vital skills to success in a more understandable fashion than this. Remember: dont start house flipping because of glamorous television portrayals.

That guarantees possible problems very expensive problems.

By educating yourself, realistically speaking, you can also find success by investing in real estate.

Copyright 2007 Jimmy Warren. All rights reserved.

Profitable house flipping opportunities exist everywhere as long as you know what to look for and understand how to make prudent deals that transform property into profits. Jimmy Warren, Editor of shows how to make safe and sane investments that ensure a good nights sleep as your real-estate portfolio grows, your properties appreciate and your income increases.

Hi-Yo, Silver Fund!

"Stay long precious metals" ...

I'm beginning to think that's Graeme Irvine's mantra.

He's the business columnist on Longer Life's Bourse page, and I'll leave it to you to discover his reasons for this four-word chant. Amidst Graeme's siren calls, I've taken notice of his recent daily listings of silver transfers. It seems that HSBC-Hong Kong is in the process of accumulating a substantially high percentage of the current market inventory. The range is something like 60%, an achievement I find as breathtaking as it is intriguing.

Why would that much of the world's investment-grade silver be moved to one depository? So far, I've not been able to find anyone willing to provide an answer. The accumulation is public knowledge, so I'm not suspecting a conspiracy.

I think most investors recall the Hunt brothers' clumsy attempt to corner the silver market three decades ago --- driving their Texan empire from billionaire to bankrupt within eight years --- and wouldn't think of trying to duplicate that stunt.

Super-investor Warren Buffet is, of course, much more sophisticated. His acquisition of 130million ounces of silver approximately nine years ago was made in tranches calculated to coincide with the market rather than drive it. All outward appearances indicate that he has no clandestine intentions; instead, he's simply substantiating his confidence in the metal and possible lack thereof in the long-term strength of the dollar.

Perhaps the HSBC-Hong Kong hoarding is a result of an announcement made in June 2005 by the United Kingdom's Barclay's Bank in which they filed their intent with the USA's Securities & Exchange Commission to establish an Exchange Trading Fund ('ETF') for silver. Specifically, the applicant is a Barclay's subsidiary, iShares Silver Trust, and the process gained momentum in January 2006 when the SEC approved their listing on the American Stock Exchange.

The Silver ETF is meeting with strong resistance, most notably by the Silver Users Association (SUA), who represent entities who make, sell and distribute products related to silver. Their complaint is that in order to support the ETF, so much silver would have to be taken out of the marketplace and held in reserve that its membership would be burdened by the metal's higher cost. As the SUA membership processes 80% of all silver produced in the USA, they represent a significant voice in this matter.

Ted Butler is one of the most respected silver analysts in the world. His opinion is that, no matter what the outcome of the Barclay's application, the entire episode is a positive development for silver investors.

First, let him explain how Exchange Trading Funds for commodities operate, and then describe how the Barclay's proposal is being positioned:

"In order to establish a commodity ETF, a financial institution buys and stores a quantity of the commodity in question and then issues shares of common stock at a fixed unit of conversion to represent fractional ownership of that commodity. In the case of silver, Barclays would buy the metal, in industry standard 1000oz bars, have them stored in London and elsewhere, and issue common stock shares in a ratio of one share of stock for every ten ounces of silver. The shares would then be traded on a recognized stock exchange, hence the name, exchange traded fund. In the case of the Barclay's Silver ETF ... theyve even decided on the stock symbol, SLV. The amount of silver bought and stored would increase and decrease depending upon the investment demand for the shares, similar to how the gold ETFs currently function."

The practicalities of a silver ETF include:

- Stock certificates are certainly easier for the investor to store than the metal itself, and

- The 'common stock' format allows more categories of investors the eligibility to participate.

What is interesting about the Barclay's proposal is that its goal is to put 130million ounces of silver into reserve, the exact level of Warren Buffet's holdings. Could they be using that precedent as a model? Burton notes that even though Buffet was careful not to disrupt the market, the price of silver still doubled during that accumulation. Furthermore, Burton says, "I see nothing in the Barclays prospectus suggesting such buying restraint, either in time or price."

So, Butler reasons, this makes the situation most favorable for involved investors:

"This silver ETF announcement is a true win-win for silver investors. (If) their silver ETF becomes effective, the impact on the price of silver will be great. Thats win number one, obvious and straightforward.

"But if ... this ETF never sees the light of day, that will be a big win as well for silver investors. Why? Because it will prove for all to see just how critical the supply/demand and inventory situation is in silver. If the government says no way to this ETF, it will be for one reason only there is not enough real silver in the world to fund it."

Either way, it's a development worth watching. Graeme lists the Comex figures daily at the end of his column and always mentions when another allotment of silver moves to HSBC-Hong Kong. The growth of those figures could well be the 'tracer' of things to come.

Stay long precious metals.

Copyright 2006 The Longer Life Group

J Square Humboldt is the featured columnist at the Longer Life website, which is dedicated to providing information, strategies, analysis and commentary designed to improve the quality of living. His page can be found at and his observations are published three times per week.

Put Your Money in a Foreign Bank Account at 10% Interest - No Don't

Many foreign banks have deals for those with American Dollars to put their money in accounts with a guaranteed interest of ten percent, even backed by Lloyds of London. Is this a good idea? Where else can you earn 10% on your money leaving it in a bank?

Well, it sound like a good idea at first and some banks really need US Dollars because they are a trusted currency and used to secure International Shipment Guarantees; so they are willing to give ten percent because the shippers only trust the US Dollar. Meanwhile, your money sits in the foreign bank tied to the local currency exchange.

In my personal opinion that sounds scary. If the currency is stable that is one thing, but I have watched people lose money doing that. If you make 10% great, but they could have a huge devaluation, nationalize all bank accounts, anything like that. What if you make 10% but if the devaluation is 22% less? So you have ten percent more money but that money is worth 22% less - see why it is risky?

In my personal observation; I have watched huge US or World Bank Investments in nations, running things up until all that money was siphoned out quickly, crashing the currency; temporary inflation and zapped. I have seen year over year strong growth only to watch huge market adjustments and currency swings in many of the foreign nations offering these deals.

As a small-time investor you can get hammered playing currencies or even using such a bank account scheme, although in some cases money has been made as promised and the foreign currency has even gone up during the time period, thus interest plus increased valuation.

Now then, let's say you are going to put US Dollars into an El Salvador Bank at guaranteed interest of 10%, but during the time period the currency devaluates? Well, you have 10% more money minus the devaluation, and you still took a huge risk outside the safer US Banks paying a lower interest rate.

On the other hand investing in El Salvador Bank shares might be different as stock, but I have no clue, what they are loaning on or how they operate. If you have first hand knowledge then that makes sense or if you are traveling and wish to have some money already there as you travel it also makes sense. Indeed, one has to consider what the money is being used for while the bank has it. Such as Guerrilla War financing, drugs or some thing sinister?

In my personal opinion - Investing in Emerging Market Debt can be a good play from all I read. Even larger multi-national banks are invested in these places; I like some of the "micro-loan" programs that are going on out in the world. There is a lot of risk investing in one particular bank stock or play of course.

My thoughts and in my personal opinion; would be I guess to find a Mutual Fund that specialized in emerging debt markets, that was diversified with some top managers and decent track records.

San Salvador has Earthquakes, weather issues, all sorts of things, guerillas, drugs, it is a third world country. In my personal opinion - I worry about Central Banks really. I like the Central Banks in Chile, Malaysia, South Africa, but of course the interest they are paying is not close to what you have quoted. Well I guess those are my personal opinions on the Bank Account Scheme.

L. Winslow is an Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur . Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

A Look at Forex Market Makers

The investor in the currency market takes for granted that a pair of currencies can be bought or sold at a moments notice. Once an order is placed with a broker, the trade is executed within seconds. It is, of course, not as easy as that.

Whenever a pair of currencies is bought or sold, there must be someone at the other end of the transaction. It is very unlikely that the investor will always find someone who is interested in buying and selling the same two currencies at the same amount, and at the same time. Hence, the question remains, How is it possible that the forex investor can buy or sell at any time? This is where the forex market makers come in.

The forex market maker is a bank or brokerage company that stands ready, every second of the trading day with a firm bid and ask price. This is good for the investor because when the investor chooses to buy and sell a pair of currencies, the market maker will purchase from and sell to the investor, even if they do not have a buyer and seller lined up. In doing so, they are literally making a market for the currencies.

Forex market makers ensure that the market is always functional and that the currencies in it will always fetch the market rate. Forex market makers do so by updating their prices at intervals of at least 30 seconds and undertaking to trade if this is requested. Forex market makers must fulfill their obligations irrespective of whether the economic situation is favorable or unfavorable, or whether they lose or profit by doing so.

Typical forex market makers include Gain Capital, CMS Forex, Forex Capital Markets (FXCM), and Global Forex Trading, all of which are regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) of the USA. Another prominent forex market maker is Saxo Bank, which is regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) of Denmark.

Until recently, central banks, commercial banks and investment banks dominated the forex market. Due to the entry of forex market makers, other market players like international money brokers, large multinational companies, registered dealers, global money managers, and private speculators have entered the market in large numbers.

Forex Brokers Info provides detailed information on forex brokers, forex trading and market makers, and other forex-related topics. Forex Brokers Info is the sister site of Incorporating in Florida Web.